Defensive System of Zadar (Croatia)
The Croatian city of Zadar is situated in the middle of the eastern coast of the Adriatic - for centuries the city was the capital of Venetian Dalmatia and the main port of the Republic of Venetia on the eastern side of the Adriatic. Consequently, the city built on a peninsula was surrounded by strong walls and bastions built in 'alla moderna' technique with monumental renaissance land gates. The historic centre of Zadar is located on an elongated peninsula and the ancient raster of the city has been preserved to this day. It is formed by several architectural complexes and buildings from the early Christian era, the Romanesque, Gothic style and the city walls from the Renaissance period. In front of the city another fortress was built – Forte fortress. Since 2017. Zadar city walls together with Forte fortress are inscribed in the UNESCO list as part of a serial site called: The Venetian Works of Defence between 16th and 17th centuries: Stato da Terra – western Stato da Mar.
The major challenges the city is facing are associated to erosion caused by flooding that will affect the architectural monuments, heat waves and mass tourism that is expected to have negative impact on the heritage monuments.

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