RescueME Community Conversation #1
26 October 2023, 09:00 - 12:00
- Online
Resilience Concepts for Cultural Landscapes
The RescueME Community of Practice (CoP) will convene for its first Community Conversation on 26th October 2023, 9-12 CET. It will introduce the project and R-Labscapes to the CoP, before presenting RescueME’s approach to characterizing cultural landscapes and measuring resilience.
8:55 9:00 Setup
9:00 9:20 Welcome, introduction to the CoP and RescueME
9:20 10:20 Introduction to the R-labscapes
10:20 10:30 Break
10:30 11:00 Introduction to RescueME’s approach to resilience and characterizing cultural landscapes
11:00 12:00 Open discussion & feedback
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